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Terrace Gardens

Living in urban areas means missing out on being surrounded by lush, green nature. But now, you can set up terrace gardens and welcome some nature into your spaces. We will set up your very own city farm on your terrace which yields fresh, organic bountiful harvest.

Terrace gardens are now an escape from the manic urban landscapes. They let some calm and abundant nature into your homes. We set up terrace gardens in your homes and spaces so you can reap fresh harvests of your fruits, vegetables or simply enjoy the blossoms of flowers and vines.

There’s a lot to think about besides amount of space and costs when it comes to constructing a terrace garden. You have to consider the issue of weight of entire set-up, layout, decor, furniture, structures, water-drainage, select your plants, their pots & containers and other allied products for your terrace gardens. All these decisions can leave you flustered. This is where we come in and we help you design your spaces.

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